Help I'm Going On Vacation!

Posted by Nanna at Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Happy holiday my beautiful friends!
I hope you're having a smashing summer and the weather is with you wherever you are in the world! I myself just got home from a three weeks stay in Italy so I'm all rested and tanned.
What I wanna talk about today is very relevant for my three weeks vacation and I know that many of you have the exact same problem when you're on your holiday. How to squeeze that workout in now and then and keeping the clean path in eating healhty - because it can be so hard! Especially if your family is keeping up the holiday spirit with sugary drinks and wonderfull (not so healthy) food all day long. Luckily my parents are as healthy as me so the food they're making are not as damaging for the diet. But this is not the case for everyone and I know, BOY do I know how hard it is keeping away from tempting food when it's right in front of you!
I'll try to write down some simple steps you can try to follow both with eating healhty and exercising.

So this post is for the people feeling panicked about going away on holiday and staying fit and healthy at the same time!

Mental preparation:
My vacations doesn't start the day we leave - it starts weeks before! Not only with my intensive workouts but also mentally. If you, like me, are going away camping or staying at a hotel or something else like that where a lot of tempting food and candy-licious treats are standard, you should start preparing. Start telling your brain you're not gonna eat ice cream everyday and it will be just a little easier saying no when finally there. Find some good tactics that works for you. Basically just think about it and you're already one step closer because you've acknowledged the fact that it's there, but not necessarily something you should eat everyday just because it is.

This step is kinda under the previous step, since it begins before the vacation begins. Four or three weeks before start cutting sugar from your diet. I do this on a regular basis, not eating sugar or high fat snacks like chips from Monday to Friday - do this a couple of weeks before, maybe even do it all week if possible. Your body will get use to it and after some weeks I promise you that you will crave sugar less and less. If you're able to do this, it will be a lot easier saying no when the vacation starts!

Find alternatives for sugar to eat. I love watermelon and apples, well basically any fruits! Yogurt with fruit makes a great dessert.

This is also problem for some. How to workout if you're not in a hotel with a gym? There's so many things you can do to get active and it doesn't even have to be that creative.

I'm a runner so of course I was up every morning going for a run in the mountains, but if you can't run due to injuries or other things that's of course out of the question.

Never underestimate the power of a good walk! Bring some good shoes (running shoes are great shoes for a good walk) and maybe even put on your workout clothes because you'll feel more comfortable sweating and therefore you might even walk faster. Plus get one of your family members or friends or boy/girlfriend to join you - it'll be much more fun and you'll probably chose a longer route.

Most of the camping spots we've been to have had a pool. Maybe not a big one, but if you're lucky to have a big pool where you're staying then go for a swim! Swimming is so good for you, people wouldn't believe! It is the most healthy thing you can do for your body since there's almost no injuries to it. Do a crawl, a breaststroke whatever! It'll built muscles like you wouldn't believe!

If you have the chance to surf - do it! It is SO MUCH fun!

Maybe this is a bit far out, but many people bring their own bikes on vacation. My parents ride racing bikes, but you can do mountain bikes too - even just ride any bike and it'll be great exercise for you! You can rent bikes so many places, search for them and see the landscape a whole new way!

Portable equipment
Bring some stuff to built or maintain muscle mass - I brought a big rubber band. You can find them in many sizes and they are great to do exercises with. Both for arms, legs and stomach. Of course weights and stuff like that are stupid to bring, but I used huge waterbottles for my stomach workouts for example.
But feel free to use benches, stairs, play grounds and other things to intensify your workout.

Talking about all these things can be difficult. People are not the same and sometimes it can start arguments and maybe offend someone. Just because you decided to eat healthy does not mean you can go around and preach about how other people should eat on their vacation. Just be polite and respect other's opinions. But don't you EVER apologize for going running in the morning or going swimming or basically just being active on your holiday! Some people do not understand why it's needed to be this active and I don't want anyone feeling guilty about it. People can be mean whe they are jealous. It all goes both ways.
And don't ever be guilty for eating that chocolate ice cream anyways - it is vacation and you don't want to walk around sad, because you're gonna have a bad time then! I ate tons of stuff too you stuff have to think about it a little.

All these steps are built if you're going away from your usual everyday life like a vacation or visiting family in another city or whatever. But of course you can use them as guidelines for a holiday at home too if that is what you're doing. Just remember to use your brain a little and it can't go wrong!


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