The summer is upon us, and although the majority of us get really excited and want to run out and roll around on the grass, there are some dangerous insects out there that we have to be worried about. I am not saying you have to lock yourself in a room and be a hermit, but simply remember to check your body for any scabs that look suspicious.
To make things easier for you, I have created a list with the insects your have to be the most worried about.
The Bee
No surprise that the bee is one of the bug on our list. The bee can actually become very dangerous, when you are allergic to it. Some people don´t know they are allergic, before they have been stung and if you are alone at the time, there is a chance that you can go into chock and die.
The bee comes in many shapes and sizes and exists in many different countries.
In Africa Mosquitos kill and carry more diseases than any other bug. Some can be harmless, whereas others can be deadly. One can make your skin itch, where the other can make you sweat and puke for days. A mosquito can even carry HIV from one person to the another.
Like many of the other insects, the tick exists in many countries. It is very dangerous mainly because they are so small the you can´t see when they are crawling on you, hiding and biting on to your skin, in warm nooks and crannies of your body. If you have a pet, the tick can get "stuck" in the fur of your pet and get carries in to your home. If a tick doesn´t get removed/treated you can end up getting Lyme´s disease.
Other insects that can be dangerous:
Certain Spider species
Certain Ant species
Millipedes & Centipedes
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